Nine years ago tomorrow I thought I was going to meet some friends at our local country bar, Illussions. Little did I know I would be introduced to my future husband. Sure it took us some time to get around to dating but January 29, 2000 is the day I met Gene. Even though he knew it could lead no where, I was engaged to someone else, he asked me to dance- My Best Friend by Tim McGraw (later to be our wedding song). We talked and laughed and spent hours after talking in the Walmart parking lot only to leave me sneaking into my house moments before my father for up at 5:30am. What can I say a deep and meaningful friend bloomed and grew into love.
Here are some pictures from our early years as friends.

At Illussions on Friday night.

At Walmart where Gene used to work and I used to stop by frequently.

At his sister Mona's just hanging out

This a picture a few weeks after we started dating in September 2002.

Here we are on our wedding day, September 17, 2004
It's been a journey these past 9 years but we have been through it all as best friends by each others side. I love you buggy!