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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Happy Father's Day

Well the day didn’t go exactly how I saw it in my mind, not because of JC but because it was one of the hottest days ever in SC. With the heat index we hit around 105. Crazy it is only June. So anyway we packed a picnic lunch and headed down to Charleston for the day. Now I envisioned walking the streets of downtown and maybe a picnic in the park…instead we ate in the shade on a bench and went to the SC aquarium. JC LOVED the penguins. He would crack up laughing as the splashed against the glass.
JC got a daddy a fireman gear bag with his name on it for Father’s Day, which Gene loved, and stopped by the marina to wish grandpa a Happy Father’s Day by delivering him his cards.
To the two greatest fathers I know- Happy Father’s Day!
Doggie Doors and Bathrooms
Well JC never seizes to amaze us. This weekend JC decided to see what it was like from Minnie’s view of the world so he crawled under the bed with her and got stuck. Then while I was using the bathroom he decided to what the weather was like outside so he climbed through Minnie’s doggie door. I thought I lost my child. I mean our house goes in a square…where could he possibly go right. So there I am calling his name, panicking, thinking he was just in the bathroom playing, it only take me like what 3 minutes to pee where the heck could this kid go. So as I round the corner into the kitchen I look at the door leading to the backyard and what to I see through the doggie door standing up on the deck my baby. I didn’t know if I wanted to beat him for scaring me or laugh to death about how funny this really was. There he was standing outside looking at the door thinking “huh now how do I get back in”.
What else is JC up to…learning how to open our doors. Oh yeah our house is becoming more childproofed each day. Gene was sitting on the couch yesterday and watched JC push door on the lever to our bathroom door and walk right in. Look how proud he is of himself in the video. Needless to say I went to Target last night and got a childproof door lock- only a few dozen more to get but at 12.99 a pop he’ll be 18 before we can afford to do all the doors.
Monday, June 15, 2009
New Year's Resolution Flashback
OK so I was looking at my calendar today at work and thought "HOLY CRAP IT's JUNE 15th"!!! Where has this year gone already and how is it possible my baby will be a year old in less than a month. God I was huge this time last year. So then I thought about those New Year's Resolutions I wrote down and I was wondering if I actually kept up with any of them. So here is my New Year's Resolution Flashback:
1. Lose my baby weight- I have 12lbs to go I am now 1 lbs less than when I graduated high school 10 years ago. I am wearing a size 4 or 6 and I am currently weighing in at 126.5 lbs and damn proud of it
2. Run/walk in the Cooper River Bridge Run in April Um yeah this didn't happen but there is always hope for next year
3. Write a letter to a friend each month- email just isn't very personal and there is nothing better than getting something other than a bill in the mail I have done so 4 out of the 6 months.
4. Be more romantic with my husband If I saw more husband for more than 15 minutes a week I swear I would be. We have taken to having alone time when our child is eatting Cheerios in his high chair. Yeah I see no baby 2 in the near future.
5. Make one from scratch meal each week This really did last for about 3 months but then life got a little crazy and now if I can nook it I consider it dinner.
6. Spend 15 minutes to myself each day I get this accomplished on my car rides to and from work. Though I have taken to spending a few extra minutes in the bathroom at work just cause no one if trying to push the door open on me while I pee and I can't hear anyone crying.
7. Watch less tv This I am proud to say has happened but not totally by choice. I mean I even took General Hospital off my TiVo list but Army Wives is staying.
8. Read more books for fun OK in a 6 month period I have read 1 book for fun. OMG that is so sad. Resolution 9 is why I haven't read more books- oh but I do get my monthly Parent's Magazine in.
9. Take and pass my Series 7/66 I have scheduled my test and will let you know soon.
10. Go to church Sadly this has not happened. If you have any suggestions on how to get to church with an 11 month old (keep in mind we have no cry room) please let me know. Otherwise I hope God forgives mommies.
11. Go away with my husband for a long weekend Holy Crap are you kidding we can't even get date night in.
12. Spend as much time with my baby as possible Every spare minute I have
13. Work on getting out of debt I work 2 jobs, Gene works 2 jobs...besides robbing a bank we are doing all we can.
14. Take a class in something for fun OK this probably won't happen for a while
15. Join a mom's group Um no but I am pondering the idea of starting a working mom's group come this fall. I know something else back on my plate but there just aren't any out there.
16. Prepare for hurricane season DONE or atleast we will be when our generator gets delivered later this week.
17. Clean out my closet and get rid of what doesn't fit Almost done. I have gotten a bunch of stuff altered instead of donating it but everyday I find something else that is to big on me. I know SAD right. I swear after baby 2 I am bound to be huge.
18. Exercise at least 3x a week Ha! This one makes me laugh. I do sit ups when I can otherwise I lift a 22 pounder everyday and take the stairs at work nstead of the elevator and I walk the floor at Old Navy. Really walking is all I get in.
19. Take my vitamins Everyday!
20. Get my car fixed We prepared for hurricane season instead so the money tree is bare.
21. Spend more time with friends and family Whenever there is a moment to spare. We have seen lots of family this year and hope our warm weather south will bring more down to visit soon.
1. Lose my baby weight- I have 12lbs to go I am now 1 lbs less than when I graduated high school 10 years ago. I am wearing a size 4 or 6 and I am currently weighing in at 126.5 lbs and damn proud of it
2. Run/walk in the Cooper River Bridge Run in April Um yeah this didn't happen but there is always hope for next year
3. Write a letter to a friend each month- email just isn't very personal and there is nothing better than getting something other than a bill in the mail I have done so 4 out of the 6 months.
4. Be more romantic with my husband If I saw more husband for more than 15 minutes a week I swear I would be. We have taken to having alone time when our child is eatting Cheerios in his high chair. Yeah I see no baby 2 in the near future.
5. Make one from scratch meal each week This really did last for about 3 months but then life got a little crazy and now if I can nook it I consider it dinner.
6. Spend 15 minutes to myself each day I get this accomplished on my car rides to and from work. Though I have taken to spending a few extra minutes in the bathroom at work just cause no one if trying to push the door open on me while I pee and I can't hear anyone crying.
7. Watch less tv This I am proud to say has happened but not totally by choice. I mean I even took General Hospital off my TiVo list but Army Wives is staying.
8. Read more books for fun OK in a 6 month period I have read 1 book for fun. OMG that is so sad. Resolution 9 is why I haven't read more books- oh but I do get my monthly Parent's Magazine in.
9. Take and pass my Series 7/66 I have scheduled my test and will let you know soon.
10. Go to church Sadly this has not happened. If you have any suggestions on how to get to church with an 11 month old (keep in mind we have no cry room) please let me know. Otherwise I hope God forgives mommies.
11. Go away with my husband for a long weekend Holy Crap are you kidding we can't even get date night in.
12. Spend as much time with my baby as possible Every spare minute I have
13. Work on getting out of debt I work 2 jobs, Gene works 2 jobs...besides robbing a bank we are doing all we can.
14. Take a class in something for fun OK this probably won't happen for a while
15. Join a mom's group Um no but I am pondering the idea of starting a working mom's group come this fall. I know something else back on my plate but there just aren't any out there.
16. Prepare for hurricane season DONE or atleast we will be when our generator gets delivered later this week.
17. Clean out my closet and get rid of what doesn't fit Almost done. I have gotten a bunch of stuff altered instead of donating it but everyday I find something else that is to big on me. I know SAD right. I swear after baby 2 I am bound to be huge.
18. Exercise at least 3x a week Ha! This one makes me laugh. I do sit ups when I can otherwise I lift a 22 pounder everyday and take the stairs at work nstead of the elevator and I walk the floor at Old Navy. Really walking is all I get in.
19. Take my vitamins Everyday!
20. Get my car fixed We prepared for hurricane season instead so the money tree is bare.
21. Spend more time with friends and family Whenever there is a moment to spare. We have seen lots of family this year and hope our warm weather south will bring more down to visit soon.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
JC's 1st Concert

Part of the Summer Fun Fest is a free concert and fireworks. So we packed up a blanket and headed out to see Lifehouse in concert. JC loved the music and prcticed his dancing while the band played. He loved the fireworks...except for the last big boomer but we kept him calm. All this and he even had dinner at Tommy Bahama's. Mommy and Daddy wanted date night but we too cheap for a sitter. Dinner was great and JC was so well behaved it was amazing.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
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About Us

- Bouchard Family
- "Yankee Born...Southern Living" Christine: Born and raised in Naugatuck, CT. I moved to SC to be closer to my dad when he retired. I am a graduate of Southern Connecticut with a degree in Liberal Studies. I currently work for Merrill Lynch and Old Navy but being a mom is the best job I have ever had. Gene: Claims to have grown up in NY but he spent most of his life in CT. He graduated from Taconic Hills and then headed to Porter and Chester for a trade in automotive- that he has never used. Gene currently works at Osprey Marina and loves spending his days outside with boats. He is also training to be a volunteer fireman. JC: Is the perfect toddler...or atleast he is in my eyes. He is still on a schedule that you can tell time by. He love country music, dancing to whatever beat he can find, helping with chores, and reading.