Thursday, September 11, 2008

2 Month Doctor's Appointment

OK no mother should ever be allowed in the room when her baby is getting shots. It completely broke my heart. At one point he held his breath while crying. But after all was said and done is was so sweet the way he curled right into my chest as if to say "Mommy Save Me".

Weight is now 11.13 lbs. (50th percentile)
Height is now 24.5 inches (80th percentile)

We still don't fill out 0-3 month clothing but NB is getting tight. I know he looks big in pictures but I swear to you this kid is skinny like his momma. Though we are onto stage 1 diapers.

On the downside JC does need to go to physical therepy. He has a tendancy to look only to his left, basically saying his neck is stiff in the other direction. So we have daily stretchs to do and physical therepy will start soon. This will also help to round out the back of his head since it is starting to flatten but only on oneside. Will keep you posted on all of this.

Until then stay tuned next week for pictures from our trip to Savannah- we leave today.


Amy said...

Don't worry, he'll probably pudge out soon--Kiah's little legs are soo chunky now. She's 4 months and the 0-3 Carters finally fit perfectly. Kiah's head was getting a little flat too. We've been doing LOTS of tummy time and I have a Boppy Noggin Nest (they have them at Target and Pottery Barn Kids)--it's a head support with a hole in the back to prevent flattening--and that has helped alot. She has an appt next week so I'll let you know if it was worth it ;) He's definitely a cutie-a skinny cutie-but a cutie through and through! Have fun in Savannah!

Anonymous said...

I remember those doctor appts well and you are so right, that is one of the hardest things to watch, but yes, the way they hold on to you afterwards is priceless. He is adorable and I know you are so happy and enjoying your time off with your family. Take care and hope to see you next month at McEntire.

Love, Selina

About Us

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"Yankee Born...Southern Living" Christine: Born and raised in Naugatuck, CT. I moved to SC to be closer to my dad when he retired. I am a graduate of Southern Connecticut with a degree in Liberal Studies. I currently work for Merrill Lynch and Old Navy but being a mom is the best job I have ever had. Gene: Claims to have grown up in NY but he spent most of his life in CT. He graduated from Taconic Hills and then headed to Porter and Chester for a trade in automotive- that he has never used. Gene currently works at Osprey Marina and loves spending his days outside with boats. He is also training to be a volunteer fireman. JC: Is the perfect toddler...or atleast he is in my eyes. He is still on a schedule that you can tell time by. He love country music, dancing to whatever beat he can find, helping with chores, and reading.