Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where does the time go

Nine years ago tomorrow I thought I was going to meet some friends at our local country bar, Illussions. Little did I know I would be introduced to my future husband. Sure it took us some time to get around to dating but January 29, 2000 is the day I met Gene. Even though he knew it could lead no where, I was engaged to someone else, he asked me to dance- My Best Friend by Tim McGraw (later to be our wedding song). We talked and laughed and spent hours after talking in the Walmart parking lot only to leave me sneaking into my house moments before my father for up at 5:30am. What can I say a deep and meaningful friend bloomed and grew into love.

Here are some pictures from our early years as friends.
At Illussions on Friday night.
At Walmart where Gene used to work and I used to stop by frequently.
At his sister Mona's just hanging out
This is the day I got home from tech school. I am a tad no sober in this picture. Please don't judge I just saw my mom in the hospital.

This a picture a few weeks after we started dating in September 2002.

Here we are on our wedding day, September 17, 2004

It's been a journey these past 9 years but we have been through it all as best friends by each others side. I love you buggy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

OK so we got this video thing figured out

Here is JC talking away.

He made it

So it took awhile but JC made it over to his mommy. Last night he crawled from the center of his room to the doorway where I was waiting for him. Sure it took 10 minutes but he did it.

Serving Proudly for 9 Years

On January 27, 2000 I raised my right hand and said these words:

"I, Christine Mihalik, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Check me out

This is when I graduated in June 2000. My best friend Lenny was at Lackland for tech school, he graduated BMT 2 weeks before me. It was great to have a friendly face in the crowds.

These are my training instructors

Mom booked Dad a flight to come see my graduate.

I am forever thankful. Look how proud he is.

See me in the front as squad leader. Second one on the left.

So they aren't in the Superbowl but we still love them!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trying so hard

What a look

Watching Baby Einstein

So what can I say, JC loves his TV. Pretty much takes after his father on this one, I prefer a good book.

Playtime with Daddy

Volunteer Fireman

For thos who haven't heard Gene is taking his agility test to be a volunteer fireman next weekend. Fingers crossed! Not only will he make $10 for every call he goes on but it is a step in a direction that will hopefully bring Gene into a fulltime position. More money, better benefits, and one sexy uniform. So say a prayer and I'll keep you posted.

Where do the days go....

So life has gotten away from me lately. So much so I have made an appointment with the doctor to see why I am so tired all the time. Could be because I never stop moving but I am thinking it is something more. I'll keep you posted on that one.

Since my last post JC has had his 6 month appointment. He is now 17.9 lbs and 27 inches long. He is bigger in everyway compared to Gene and I at his age.

Gene's 6 month appointment (11/5/79) 16.3 lbs and 26 1/4 inches
Christine's 6 month appointment (12/11/81) 15.14 lbs and 26 inches

Otherwise he is still trying to crawl. JC is a pro at being on all fours and moving his legs but can't seem to figure out how to move his arms. Well at least we have a few more days of knowing he is still where we put him. Though from the pictures below he might just go striaght to walking. He loves sitting now and would prefer to be on the floor pushing himself in a circle than in his exersaucer.

Teething- wow we have a fussy baby now. Sometimes he wants to eat and sleep and other days he would rather be held while we get nothing done. THANK YOU TO GRANDPA for spending your days with JC and not always having an easy time. WE LOVE YOU FOR IT!!!!

Gene and I had a proud moment this month...WE PAID OFF ALL OUR HOSPITAL BILLS!!! This is where that second job has been key. Though insurance has been great we still had over $2500 in medical bills for 2008. I thought we would be paying them forever but we cut back on a few things and moved a few others around here well 6 months later we at least have part of our debt paid off.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

JC and his girl friend

We headed to Savannah for Sadie's first birthday and baptism. It was a wonderful weekend and JC enjoyed spending time with his future wife (remember 2032)

A little late but here goes....

So it's a few weeks past the New Year and like many I have already pushed my resolution aside. So I have decided that if I put it in writing in front of all my friends and family I might just stay on track. Here are my resolutions/goals for 2009:
1. Lose my baby weight- I have 12lbs to go
2. Run/walk in the Cooper River Bridge Run in April
3. Write a letter to a friend each month- email just isn't very personal and there is nothing better than getting something other than a bill in the mail
4. Be more romantic with my husband
5. Make one from scratch meal each week
6. Spend 15 minutes to myself each day
7. Watch less tv
8. Read more books for fun
9. Take and pass my Series 7/66
10. Go to church
11. Go away with my husband for a long weekend
12. Spend as much time with my baby as possible
13. Work on getting out of debt
14. Take a class in something for fun
15. Join a mom's group
16. Prepare for hurricane season
17. Clean out my closet and get rid of what doesn't fit
18. Exercise at least 3x a week
19. Take my vitamins
20. Get my car fixed
21. Spend more time with friends and family

OK so I have a few things on my list and I think I might even add to it through out the year. I plan to make 2009 a great year.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ah Relief

Some Candy Cane Relief

Loving an icey teething ring.

About Us

My photo
"Yankee Born...Southern Living" Christine: Born and raised in Naugatuck, CT. I moved to SC to be closer to my dad when he retired. I am a graduate of Southern Connecticut with a degree in Liberal Studies. I currently work for Merrill Lynch and Old Navy but being a mom is the best job I have ever had. Gene: Claims to have grown up in NY but he spent most of his life in CT. He graduated from Taconic Hills and then headed to Porter and Chester for a trade in automotive- that he has never used. Gene currently works at Osprey Marina and loves spending his days outside with boats. He is also training to be a volunteer fireman. JC: Is the perfect toddler...or atleast he is in my eyes. He is still on a schedule that you can tell time by. He love country music, dancing to whatever beat he can find, helping with chores, and reading.