Thursday, July 3, 2008

39 Weeks

Not much to report. We had our doctors appointment yesterday and we are 3cm dialated. YEAH!!! We are moving up in the world.

So still patiently waiting. My neighbors are guessing this weekend with all the fireworks we should be able to just scare him out of there...he does get jumpy during a thunderstorm (that's how I felt his first movement several months ago. Good storm, big boom, big baby jump).

Thanks to those who left comments about how to cure my stir craziness. I have managed to nap, clean, read, and today I plan to grocery shop. Wow life is so exciting!

Oh I almost forgot he best midwife thinks he is about 71/2 -8 pounds. HOLY CRAP!!!!
Our next appointment is Monday, July 7th and our midwife thinks that doctor might suggest inducing. So if nothing happens this weekend there will most likely be a baby by the end of next week. YEAH!!!!

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About Us

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"Yankee Born...Southern Living" Christine: Born and raised in Naugatuck, CT. I moved to SC to be closer to my dad when he retired. I am a graduate of Southern Connecticut with a degree in Liberal Studies. I currently work for Merrill Lynch and Old Navy but being a mom is the best job I have ever had. Gene: Claims to have grown up in NY but he spent most of his life in CT. He graduated from Taconic Hills and then headed to Porter and Chester for a trade in automotive- that he has never used. Gene currently works at Osprey Marina and loves spending his days outside with boats. He is also training to be a volunteer fireman. JC: Is the perfect toddler...or atleast he is in my eyes. He is still on a schedule that you can tell time by. He love country music, dancing to whatever beat he can find, helping with chores, and reading.